
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” - Girl Genius, by Kaja & Phil Foglio

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Perspective, it's all about perspective ...

29 July 2012


I said I was looking forward to what came next after finishing v2 of Rising Tide.  Well, it appears that what’s next is mental fatigue.  It crept up on me over the course of the week.  By Thursday I couldn’t work on the short story any more.  Yesterday I was lucky to have some tasks at work that weren’t mentally demanding.  I copied and stamped numbers on the bottom of forms for about an hour.  :-)  Helped our IT guru with an issue off and on for most of the morning - which consisted of him saying “try this” and me trying that and disappointing him with the results.  It worked for him, just not for me.  I told him the system liked him best.  Probably not all that helpful, really, but I’m sure it’s true.  Did normal stuff where I had to think, too.  I’m scheduled for some training most of the upcoming week.  The ol’ brain cells better be back from coffee break by then. 

Today I have a list of things to accomplish:
Grocery shop
Cook some of what I buy at the grocer
Take a nap
Finish edit of Orchid (short story)
Read or watch a movie

So far I took a shower...  Guess I’ll head to the grocery store before the rain arrives.

Edit:  Crossed shopping, cooking, napping and editing off the list.  Did some on-line reading, although when I made the list I had reading a book in mind.  Well, there's still a bit of evening left.  It's time for Mr. Pratchett's latest, The Long Earth.   ;-)

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