
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” - Girl Genius, by Kaja & Phil Foglio

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Perspective, it's all about perspective ...

30 June 2012

WRoE Summary for June

27 hours, 3790 word increase; word count at end of month 61067

I made corrections based on the critique earlier this month.  I also wrestled with seven pages (29-36) that were A Royal Mess.  Now they’re an Improved Mess, but still an Overly Long Mess.  Kind of burned out a bit on that, so it needs to rest for a while before I look at it again. 

Back in December, when Dixie was setting up this Writers Rules of Engagement gig, my goal was to average an hour a day working on this novel.  I put in 80 hours in the First Quarter and 89 hours in the Second Quarter, for a total of 169 hours.  Divide that by 26 weeks = 6.5 hours per week average over six months.  I’m satisfied with that!

And even more satisfying is this version of the novel is almost finished.  Well, I think it’s almost finished.  I’ve written several scenes near the end - those scenes were rough ideas at the end of last month - but there’s a gap of indeterminate size between where I’m currently writing (p 130) and those scenes. 

I have some ideas of what should happen in that gap.  The characters may have other ideas, of course. 

Maybe I’ll find out over this long weekend; don’t have to go back to work until Thursday.  I’d love to fill in that gap by Wednesday night.  Overly ambitious perhaps.  But, oh, my.  The End is near!

And if I finish on Wednesday there will be fireworks!

1 comment:

Kat said...

1673 words on Sunday. 1882 words Monday (today). Word count 64622 ATM. Heading out for dinner soon. May write a bit more when I get back so I can have a 2K day.