
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” - Girl Genius, by Kaja & Phil Foglio

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Perspective, it's all about perspective ...

22 December 2013

Hawaii - Sea Days and Encenada

Every sea day I attended ukulele practice. There were about 40 students, some of whom purchased instruments either on board or ashore in Hawaii. I haven't decided if I'll buy one and take lessons, but I really enjoyed playing.

Prior to arriving in Encenada, Mexico, the ukulele class and the hula class (about 60 people in hula, so almost 100 total) gave a show in the main theater. We filled the place! The hula class danced three dances, then the ukulele class came on stage for two numbers ("Pearly Shells" and "Tiny Bubbles"). The final song - "Aloha Oe" - we played and they danced.

This is a really short clip of the end of "Little Grass Shack" during dress rehearsal.

I didn't go ashore in Encenada. Stayed on board and took pictures.

The crew had some emergency exercises.  As part of that, they launched tenders and zoomed around.

I watched the sunset from my balcony, snapping pictures of the birds (gulls and pelicans).

Encenada at night: 

We had one more sea day, steaming from Encenada to San Francisco. Near sundown I heard there were whales off the starboard side, so I dashed out. Missed them. As I came back in, I could see through to the port side. The sun was nearly setting in a clear sky. I headed over there, even though it was chilly outside and I didn't have a sweater, thinking I might have a chance of seeing the green flash. Just as I got to the rail, two whales surfaced! Not close to the ship, but near enough to see them and their spouts. I saw them come up for air several times, then they didn't return. 

AND I saw the green flash! No picture, because I was focusing on the sunset. Afterwards, I tried to take a picture of that sunset, but couldn't get one in focus because I was shivering. That was my clue to get inside and warm up. 

Whales and green flash within about ten minutes of each other on our final sea day. Nice. 

Final sea day also meant it was Lokelina and Kimo's final performance for us. About half way through their set, Lokelina invited all her dancers to come down. I was a bit slow getting out my camera, but filmed most of this one. It's the same song - "Little Grass Shack" - as the short clip at rehearsal, but more of it. So, here are Makani E and the Hula Ladies of the Grand Princess, performing in the Piazza.

And yes, I want to go back.

(This is the first time I've tried putting my own videos in my blog. Please let me know if the video clips don't work. Thanks!)

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