
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” - Girl Genius, by Kaja & Phil Foglio

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Perspective, it's all about perspective ...

21 May 2012

I do my part by simply smiling

I am still around, puttering and muttering and proclaiming there are Not Enough Hours in Thee Day.  Fortunately you’re out of earshot.   Daughter goes off to the stable or work so doesn’t have to hear it, either. 

Da books!  Da movies!  Da writing!  (groans Da Chicagoan)  They are all Piling Up! 

There’s a brief window around here between freezing your tushie and frying your tushie and we are THERE.  So I’ve been outside a lot.  Not doing anything particularly interesting - although I saw a pair of eagles the other day while walking.  No camera with me, of course.  I never seem to have it when cool stuff happens.  And they were right overhead!  

No eclipse viewing for me.  It was primarily west of here, but Chicago had clouds in honor of the astronomical event anyway.

(Photo by wunderphotographer mcgino, in New Mexico.  No clouds there yesterday.)

I have bought books (Carol King’s autobiography and Naked City, an urban fantasy short story anthology).  The second season of Sherlock comes out tomorrow and I have a coupon ...  I still haven’t reached the new ending on the novel, although it is now longer than ever (over 55K). 

Ze piles they do grow. 

(Title of today’s entry is a line from the song “Ampersand” by Amanda Palmer, the current choice of the iPod shuffle.)

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