
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” - Girl Genius, by Kaja & Phil Foglio

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Perspective, it's all about perspective ...

23 April 2012

Novel Update

The story is chugging along nicely - passed 45K yesterday (45397 at the moment).  Near the end of February I removed the ending, which took the story from 52K and 119 pages to just under 38K and 89 pages.  It’s back to 104 pages. (I don’t work in official manuscript format.  I like to maximize what I see on the screen and I’m balancing that with printing things out for editing, so it’s 1 1/2  spaced with 3/4 inch margins.) 

Seven thousand words in about as many weeks is nothing like a NaNo pace, but it’s sustainable through my crazy work schedule and the other interferences that wander by.  And those seven thousand words are edited, something that is anathema during NaNo.

Ah, yes, in case you missed it, last Monday I visited Motor Cycle Center and spoke with Geoff.  He was very helpful and confirmed my choice of a Triumph for Cait.  Very sleek bike, stylish, modern, and an appropriate size for an athletic woman around 5 ft 8 in.  And the big surprise of the day for me was the Street Triple comes in purple!  *swoon*  Now I have to add those details to the novel ...


Tim said...

So, hang on- at the end of November you had written over 50k and now,5 months later, you have less?

Kat said...

*giggle* The joys of editing! Chopped over 14K because the November ending was a complete fizzle. Hit 50,110 this morning, although the last bit I wrote is pretty rambly and will get seriously cut when I edit. 50K was calling and I went into NaNo mode ...

Tim said...

I know what you are doing. At your current rate you will be back to zero by the end of October - just in time to start again in the new Nano.
Am I right?