
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” - Girl Genius, by Kaja & Phil Foglio

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Perspective, it's all about perspective ...

11 March 2012

Dem Fishies Can Swim

I am now completely convinced that entertainment is lacking in my life.  I just spent mumbly mumble minutes watching the fish swim around at the top of my blog.  The cursor was out of site (oops, tyop there, but it’s funny so I’ll leave it), so the little guys just roamed around.  They bump noses (greetings?), sometimes swim together side by side, sometimes take rest breaks.  The red one does seem to go her own way and be a bit more of a loner.  Kudos to the programmer(s) who designed that little aquarium of fluffy zen-ness.

If you bring the cursor into the box the fishies will chase it ... and if you click they get food! 

What should be happening is sending out my offering for critique.  Ah, yes, can you say avoidance behavior?  Having an attack of “this is a pile of coprolites and shouldn’t be shared.”  Not good timing there. 

Okay, off to find a useful and perhaps productive activity, like fix another cup of mocha.  Or research brain damage.  Or something.


Tim said...

I might have just overfed your fish. Sorry.

Kat said...

LOL I shall make them swim laps!

I was brave and sent out my story as is to the writing group. They are an honest bunch, and so far have never told me my stuff was coprolites ...