
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” - Girl Genius, by Kaja & Phil Foglio

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Perspective, it's all about perspective ...

15 January 2012

Book Cover Art

I have three novels in various stages of revision.  Maybe someday one of them will be published and there will be cover art.  I hope I get something that not only is related to the story inside but depicts my character(s) in natural-looking poses.  Recently several authors have tried to reproduce the positions women are put into on some covers:  


Jim concedes he may have had issues with some of these because, well, he's a guy and his hips don't move in the same way as a woman's would.  Jim has 'reproduced' only covers with women in his post.


Anna says several of the poses were painful for her and she's been a dancer!  Anna does some of the same covers Jim did, with the addition of similar covers with men on them.  Her conclusion is that the men are depicted in natural positions of strength and capability while the women are in awkward to painful positions that emphasize sexy over competence.

I admire both Jim and Anna for doing this.  Reading their posts and seeing their pictures is a lot of fun.  But what those covers say about our society - men are strong and women are sexy - is disturbing.  Women's lib and a sense of equality haven't reached this area. 

I won't select or reject a book strictly based on the cover art (especially since few authors have any say about what's on the cover of their books put out by the publishing houses), but I'm going to be looking at them in a different way now.  And I'll favor the one's with more realistically depicted women!

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