
“Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science.” - Girl Genius, by Kaja & Phil Foglio

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

Perspective, it's all about perspective ...

23 July 2013

Leibster Award

Many thanks to my friend and writing buddy Laurie for nominating me for a Leibster Award.  See the comments on my blog post here for the actual nomination.

At her blog, Teapot Musings, Laurie discusses a wide range of topics.  Check it out!

The Leibster is an award for up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.  "Leibster" has several definitions in German:  favorite, valued, and kindest, among others.  There's no official ceremony.  The nomination itself is the award.  

The rules for nominees (these have morphed over the years):
1. Thank the blogger who nominated them.
2. List 11 random facts about themselves. 
3. Answer 11 questions posed by the blogger who nominated them.
4. Prepare 11 random questions for their own nominees.
5. Nominate 3 to 5 bloggers.

There is no obligation to accept.  It's something like the old chain letters, only instead of a mailbox full of dish towels or whatever, you the reader may discover new bloggers.

Okay, that's rule 1 taken care of.  Rule 2 is next.

1. I can never chose just one favorite of anything.
2. Erupting volcanoes give me nightmares. 
3. My favorite land animals are chickadee, wolf and horse.
4. My favorite marine critters are octopus, copepod and orca.
5. I'm a coffee person, although I do love a good cup of tea.
6. I'm much more of a tea snob than coffee snob.
7. I was once at sea in a hurricane; completely messed up my sense of "rough seas."
8. I slept through my first earthquake.
9. Mac over PC
10. I belong to three writing groups.
11. I love yellowtail sashimi.

Okay, on to rule 3.  Laurie posted her questions for her nominees HERE, just in case you can't tell by my answers.

1. (See number 1 of things about me.) Favorite colors include teal, lavender and sea green.
2. I sort of tumbled into blogging.  I'm a shy person and it hasn't been easy, but it is enjoyable.
3. I started blogging in January 2010 at Multiply.  Don't bother looking for it; the site doesn't exist any more.  I came to Blogger in May of 2011.  I cross-posted until Multiply stopped supporting blogs.
4. I am a dog person.  Also a horse person.
5. I think my favorite picture book as a child was Peter Rabbit, because when I read Laurie's question an illustration from that book popped in my head - the one of a cat sitting on the edge of a pond watching the fish.
6.  I have no one favorite book as an adult.  I have piles of favorites!  Blood and Iron by Elizabeth Bear.  Dreamsnake by Vonda N McIntyre.  Cordelia's Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold.  The 100,000 Kingdoms by N K Jemisin.  About 33 Discworld books by Terry Pratchett.  And I'll stop answering this question now.
7. I'm not a Big Bang Theory fan.  I don't watch TV.
8. Time travel sounds scary.  I don't think I'm brave enough to do that.
9. I have an iPhone, a G5 Mac desktop, an Acer netbook, and sometimes I borrow my daughter's Dell laptop.
10. I don't think I have a favorite number.  Maybe pi.  Or 666, in honor of my daughter's horse who was known as The Devil Pony.
11. Favorite teas are hot black orange spice and cold hojicha.  Not together.  :-)

And that's a lot about me!

I'll make my nominations and have the list of questions for them in another post.

Thanks again, Laurie!


Phyllis Blickensderfer said...

Laurie did quite well, didn't she? Looking forward to the next parts!

Laurie Gienapp said...

Kat! I had no idea of your aversion to picking 'a favorite'.. so I guess my questions were particularly difficult. Also didn't know of your fear of volcanoes... that sounds like a good premise for a Nano ;-)
Glad you 'accepted' the nomination... loved reading the random facts you chose to share, and looking forward to checking out your nominees.

Kat said...

I left off one of my electronic devices for Laurie's question #9. I have an iPod!